8 cultural sights I travelled in the Netherlands trip (2): Anne Frank House

文化過路人 Cultural Walker
3 min readMar 19, 2023

After returning from the Netherlands, I have taken some time to put together a lengthy article listing the unique tourist attractions in Amsterdam and its neighbouring cities, hoping to share them with those who wish to visit the Netherlands on their own, from the perspectives of music, culture and art.

I will separate my whole article into eight parts, and here’s the one introducing the Anne Frank House.

8 cultural sights I travelled in the Netherlands trip (1): Van Gogh Museum

Anne Frank House, the legacy of war

As the museum closed late, I took the opportunity to visit the Anne Frank House, and it turned out to be the most enlightening place of my trip.

Anne Frank, a Jew, was only a teenager at the outbreak of World War II and hid with her family in a cottage in Amsterdam to escape the massacre by the Nazi Germans.

Visiting the narrow staircase of the house and imagining how this little girl felt, even though the place is now calm, still gives me an emotional feeling in my heart.



文化過路人 Cultural Walker

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